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Creating positive footprints

Asian Women of Achievement

The 20th AWA event at the London Hilton was a glittering occasion and as glamorous as ever. 

We were absolutely delighted to see Anna Sofat as a worthy finalist among many other inspiring women.

Mozart's Women at St John's Smith Square

A group of Pink Shoe Ambassadors was able to enjoy a marvellous concert from the London Mozart Players. Thanks to Sandi Rhys Jones for letting us know about this wonderful event. 

The London Mozart Players and conductor Jane Glover both achieved 70th birthdays this year, so this concert celebrating Mozart's Women created the perfect occasion.
The music from LMP was superb with a great line-up of musicians including award-winning Soprano Jennifer France, and the extraordinary 17-year-old pianist and BBC Young Musician Lauren Zhang.
Between the breath-taking music we enjoyed a speedy supper of delicious sharing platters and fizz in the vaults, which beautifully rounded off the evening.


The second session of the spring BoardAble programme covered board level CVs and applications. 

With expert input from Sarah Anderson CBE and Jill Pay, we then had a session with Sandy Meadows, founder and director of Saxonbury and a Pink Shoe Ambassador. Sandy went through every aspect of tailoring one's CV to NED, board or public appointment roles. Her practical advice and knowledge of recruiting for some very senior roles was extremely valuable. 

We heard from the group about how their sessions with Shadow Principals had progressed and exchanged ideas for future steps for the programme and for each individual. It was great to discover that success has already been achieved for some as they have already taken up new NED positions.

After a packed day we were joined by BoardAble alumnae and Pink Shoe Ambassadors for Aperitivo.