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Creating positive footprints

EU Executive Women Debate

Helene Martin Gee represented Pink Shoe at the European Parliament in Brussels to debate female leadership. Where are the Executive Women? was supported by PwC and hosted by Angelika Mlinar MEP.

Speakers included Aurelia Takacs, Global Delivery Partner Manager, Cisco Systems; Gilly Lord, Head of Regulatory Affairs, PwC; Grace Stevens, Global Head of Tax at Legal and General; Jason-Louise Graham, EU Panel Watch & Policy Officer, ACP YPN; Joanna Maycock, Secretary General of EWL; Karine Becker, Managing Partner, Hire & Higher; and Sirpa Pietikainen MEP.

This outstanding panel outlined differing attitudes and actions from across Europe with some innovative ideas being implemented. Key elements included: Parity on pay and Pay transparency, which it was agreed would drive change across all sectors.

There was some discussion on whether quotas are needed, with experiences and viewpoints shared on both the pros and cons of this. It was also highlighted that to achieve greater parity for women leaders we need more men to join the debate!