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Creating positive footprints

Pink Shoe On Air: Carol Cooke of Scrumptious Productions

Carol Cooke joined us #OnAir from Texas to talk about her inspirational videos of global female entrepreneurs, with Scrumptious Productions she is literally ‘turning movies into movement’.

We also heard about Barefoot in Business, Carol's unique and incredible mini enterprise programme empowering women in Uganda. The women make stylish and practical tote bags from local fabrics and there was much enthusiasm during #FizzTime as members were keenly buying their #TotesFabulous bespoke bags!

Not only that, but UK schools are linking with the project to create micro businesses within the school to sell the bags, learning about enterprise and entrepreneurship while supporting local women in Uganda.

Find out more here: http://www.barefootinbusiness.com/

Pink Shoe On Air: Anna Hughes of Flight Free UK

Sustainable living was the inspiring message for this week’s #OnAir with adventurer, author & sustainability campaigner Anna Hughes. 

Anna has lots of great anecdotes about cycling and then sailing round the whole of the UK coast as well as her incredible success in the Iron Man competition! We then got some useful tips on how to do our bit to cut carbon emissions, which everyone was keen to do, such as reducing flying and eating less meat. 

Anna has given up flying forever and set up Flight Free UK to encourage more people to take the step to fly less. We learned a lot about the fun and opportunity of traveling via alternative methods such as by train and Anna's enthusiasm inspired two of our number, who signed up and have pledged not to fly for 12-months, see:  https://flightfree.co.uk/about_us/

Follow Anna on Twitter @EatSleepCycle 

To find out more and get one of Anna’s fabulous books full of adventure, cycling tales and insights into the wonderful British Isles, go to https://www.annacycles.co.uk/books