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Creating positive footprints

A well-deserved MBE for Loraine Midda

From the fashion business to becoming a successful entrepreneur with her own IT training company, to the House of Lords computer office and heading up members' services for the Parliamentary digital service; Loraine Midda has never done things by halves and the MBE awarded to Loraine in the Queen’s Birthday Honours reflects this.

Honoured for her contribution to IT, Loraine was also recognised for many years supporting and fundraising for Haven House Children’s Hospice. See: https://www.havenhouse.org.uk/

We’re delighted to add our sincere congratulations to Pink Shoe Ambassador Loraine, whom many members also know from being a wonderful host at some of our events.

Here is Loraine with Prince William at Buckingham Palace receiving her honour. 
And with some of the guests at her celebration party.

Karen Mattison on Flexible Working

It was a full house at the latest EY Women's Network event hosted by the inspiring Joanna Santinon as we heard from Karren Mattison MBE, co founder of Timewise, along with Andy Clewer of EY.

Rather than talking about part-time, calling this flexible working is more accurate and appealing explained Karen. 

With 650,000 flexible workers at all levels of career this is a trend that is growing strong right up to board level. 

And flexible working certainly isn't just for women as Andy Clewer was happy to tell us, extolling the benefits of his own part time career at EY.

For many roles flexible working is the future and the Timewise Power Part Time List of 50 inspiring part time leaders, from across industry, the public and third sectors perfectly demonstrates this.